Saturday 31 December 2016

Hey Sleaze Bag!

What rock did you crawl under!? You're not dead, that I know for sure.

You also can not get out of the country, you have no money, all of your associates are dead, the higher ups, or whatever the hell is left of them are all scrambling to save their own asses.

There's nobody to help you either, all of the dumb shit proxies in our circles have been killed by either my hand, or have been buried underneath all the rubble of that warehouse.

Slendy will sure as hell not protect your worthless ass.

Come on fucker, just face the fucking music already! You've tortured my ass for months, you think I will let this go?! You burned everything down to the ground, just get fucking over here already and let one of us die already!

I'll fucking find you.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously man, why are you so worked up about this anyway? So what if I let them shoot her? You didn't seem to give two shits about her when she was around, so what's the problem here?
