Wednesday 29 April 2015

So you survived, and? What's next? What can you possibly do?

It's just you against all of us and last time I checked, you're just one person, who's physical state is below average. Anybody could easily snap you like a twig.

Now, I don't know how you pulled off the Timberwolf bar massacre, but then again, it's Timberwolves, they were never that smart, I'm sure you used one of your "brilliant" strategies, or whatever.

I figured that trying to reason with you is just a waste of time and while it saddens me to see you try so hard to avenge Alesa's death, just admit that you can't do jack shit, do yourself a favour and use that sword on your own neck.

As for the proxy organisation fallen apart, part. Yeah, true, however, we're not the only ones suffering from that, many other organisations are experiencing the same shit, hell, they are having it worse than us. At least we still have the whole city in our pockets, so yeah.

Face it man, if we don't get to you first, Slendy will, from what you told us, he seems to be already hunting your ass.

Just disappear into obscurity, why don't ya?

Saturday 25 April 2015

The Big Man

Slenderman himself is standing outside my window right now. Never liked him, I hate things I can't understand, not that I'm scared, feeling of fear drops when you've had a near death experience. I used to be afraid of him though, the thing always sent a chill up my spine, as I said, I hate things I don't understand.

But whatever, he can stand there all he fucking wants, I don't care. I'm too busy right now, with what? Hunting that shit-face down, they took him somewhere, don't know where, gave him a good cover up. But he didn't leave town, nah, too much hassle to leave town because of a kid like me, I'm not really a threat, am I, Claude?

Funny thing is, the Proxy groups have been like ants these past couple of months. The organizations are falling apart from what I hear, too many psychopaths attacking and killing heavy hitters in the organizations. Which means that the "Higher Ups" are slowly falling apart.

And once they're on the ground, I'm not going to miss the opportunity to snatch them up. I already know who's behind all of this anyway, I wasn't just sucking up my shitty wounds, I was researching.

I think I actually snapped a little bit, mentally. Can't see anything but me, slitting Claude's throat with my sword, when I'm awake, when I'm asleep, same image.

Wonder how it'll feel, probably really good.

Monday 20 April 2015

Cunts, bunch of fucking cunts.

Wanting me to tell them my secrets, beating the shit out of me, shooting three bullets into me, dumping me in the alleyways, did you think I'd just die?

I mean, granted, it took me a while to suck up my wounds, but, fuck you, I'm back.

Claude, your ass goes first.

Next up are the boys in gray, the ones who pulled the trigger.

And then, the "Higher Ups" themselves.

I made a mistake, my bad, I promise, from now on, no more mistakes. One is enough for me, thank you very much.

Did I forget to say anything else?

Oh yeah, fuck you Claude.