Tuesday 25 November 2014

A Facade

You told me to meet you at her grave, to have a meaningful conversation, so I did.

You started telling me how I should drop it, how it is pointless to pursue revenge, how it will eat me up from the inside. I think I would have listened, I mean it makes sense, I can't kill all of them, I might as well end myself, or carry on, one of those. All of this would have made sense, all your words would make sense.....One problem.

It's kind of ridiculous to make sense of a lie, especially when it's coming from a person who is staring me dead in the eyes and is telling me this bullshit, not once flinching.

There, in the rain, I asked you, I made you swear on our friendship to tell me that you had nothing to do with it. You looked me dead in the eyes, knowing that I knew the truth you said "No".

See, that night, when she was killed, it wasn't the timberwolves that visited her, the people that visited her were the same people who beat the living shit out of me, that's right, the higher up's boys. They just walked up to her while she was on the couch, watching TV, they put the pillow over her head and released one bullet, after that they casually walked out, not before leaving the Timberwolf symbol on the wall.

But how were they able to sneak up on her you ask? I mean, breaking the door should have made some noise, right? Not when someone willingly opens it for them. That night, you weren't on a mission, you were inside the house, with her and you opened the door for them.

It was supposed to be a simple clean up mission, right? And it would have been, if only you wouldn't have forgot about the cameras installed inside all of the Proxy houses, right? But maybe you did think of that, I mean, the footage goes directly "Upstairs" so nobody can really see it, right? Well, what if I told you, that somebody, a long time ago, intercepted the frequency of the file send and had them accessed on his own laptop?

Don't look at me, Alesana was the one to do it, but on my request.

I saw you Claude, I saw you willingly opening the door for them and while you didn't carry out the deed, you were part of it, you could have saved her, but you didn't and then you proceeded to lie right into my face. You swore on our friendship and you lied, there is no friendship, not anymore.

In fact, once you read this, I'll be gone. Sleep with one eye open, cause now, I'm going to be coming after you.

You piece of shit.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Proper Funeral and Farewell

Today we finally gave her a proper funeral.

It was a quiet funeral, not many people, only a few.

I'm not going to explain on what happened with the bar, or whatever, it's none of anybody's business. Even if I wanted to explain, I'm not quite sure I would be able to, some memories are just too blurry to make out.

Claude had to go into a meeting, so I had to travel home alone, which I'm perfectly fine with, don't have to listen to him being all worried and concerned.

I think I'm going to finish with this blogging business, Alesa was the only one who was forcing me to write here, with her gone, I don't really see any purpose to continue, I don't know about Claude, but for me this is a farewell.

To nobody who cared.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Found Him

So, we've been silent for a long time.

Was busy tracking down Malik.

I don't know what happened, but when we found him, he was sitting in the pool of blood and pile of Timberwolf bodies. I don't want to talk badly about Malik or anything, but he hardly possess the ability to stand his ground against about 30 grown guys with weapons, he should have been dead.

But no, we bust into the bar and find him sitting there, naked, covered in blood, staring off into nothingness, pile of bodies surrounding him. All of the bodies have claw marks, bite marks, some limbs were torn off, it was just a mess.

We got him out of there, I called up our local "Cleaner" who was going to clean up the mess.

He hasn't said a word ever since, I've been keeping a constant eye on him ever since I brought him back to our home.

I have no idea what to do now and I have no idea what the hell happened.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

What the fuck!?

Malik's room door has been ripped off it's hinges, there's claw marks all over his room and the steel window grading I installed, so that Malik wouldn't runaway and do something rash, have been bent and broken off.

His room is a total mess and I have no idea where he is. To anyone who might see him, get in contact with me, immediately.