Sunday 16 November 2014

Found Him

So, we've been silent for a long time.

Was busy tracking down Malik.

I don't know what happened, but when we found him, he was sitting in the pool of blood and pile of Timberwolf bodies. I don't want to talk badly about Malik or anything, but he hardly possess the ability to stand his ground against about 30 grown guys with weapons, he should have been dead.

But no, we bust into the bar and find him sitting there, naked, covered in blood, staring off into nothingness, pile of bodies surrounding him. All of the bodies have claw marks, bite marks, some limbs were torn off, it was just a mess.

We got him out of there, I called up our local "Cleaner" who was going to clean up the mess.

He hasn't said a word ever since, I've been keeping a constant eye on him ever since I brought him back to our home.

I have no idea what to do now and I have no idea what the hell happened.

1 comment:

  1. No offence but if I see a naked guy capable of taking on 30 motherfuckers in the bar I work at, I'm going to treat him like royalty... by executing him.

    Glad you're having more fun than me, though.

    Stay safe. Also, if you happen to meet a guy named Deimos, don't get involved. It is NOT WORTH IT.
