Monday 15 June 2020

Hunting down assholes.

Ok, if you want to stay up to date in more detail about what I'm going to be talking about here, then read this shit, it's full of pointless, pseudo-philosophical bullshit that the Bandaged Idiot loves to spew to make himself seem more complex, or whatever.

If you don't want to, here's the TL;DR you lazy asshole: Because Kelevra is inside of Claude's body he can dig through his memories. Only thing he digs up are the faces of the killers, cause he's a useless asshole. We go to the police department that was closest to the murder. Raided their evidence locker, found a bullet that caused the death.

Since then, I've been spending the last few weeks researching on how to connect the unique bullet markings to the guns that they were fired from. Now this isn't some CSI bullshit, you can't actually track a bullet to a specific gun, by running the markings through a magical printer and then hacking through the cyberspace to locate the owner of the gun. However, if the markings are left intact, you can identify what type of gun this bullet was fired from.

In this case it was a Kimber K6S Revolver, probably was chosen because it is easily concealed. Ok, so I know the type of gun that was used, what now? Now we log onto the proxy-run database and start looking through where in our area were these orders placed and who have withdrawn this specific firearm from the weapon cache. If you're wondering about the database, it's a database that proxy organisations have been using to coordinate their attacks, finances, placement of orders, etc.

Think of it as normies think of the deep web, pretty similar to that, only a lot more organised. Now ordinarily, I wouldn't have access to it, only leaders of cells have access to it, luckily for us Claude was one of those and thanks to Kelevra's further digging in his memory, he was able to find out the log in information. So a little bit of digging through placed orders from the manufacturer of the K6S, then reading through every name that withdrew that specific gun, followed by me googling every name to find their photo (Some of these idiots own facebook accounts, hilarious) so Kelevra could cross reference the faces he saw in Claudes memory to find a match. That last part in particular was a pain in the ass, mainly because Kelevra has this tendency to fuck off whenever he wants without informing anyone, but at some point I managed to force him to sit down and go through the photos I found, none of them fit, which sucked, but it's ok, in turn this ended up crossing out a bunch of names on the list, leaving only 11 names that I was not able to find photos of.

So I'm figuring for the next few weeks, we'll be tracking down all of the 11 names in person, which I hope isn't too hard, don't want to be near Kelevra for a long period of time, guy's fucking annoying as shit.

That's it, fuck off.


  1. Holy fucking shit, you're actually working with that nihilistic sociopath!? You're such a fucking moron, do you not realise how this will end for you?

    Pro tip: With someone dead in a ditch.

    1. Fucking hell, you again? Wtf do you want? Seriously. Why do you give a shit? Just fuck off already.

    2. Do you want a whole list of things that I want, because it's a long one, but to shorten it, specifically for you, one of the things that I want is for you to get your head out of your ass and realise that you are following a guy who is exploiting your grief to his advantage, something he has done plenty of times with others and the end result was always them ending up dead.

    3. Nice dodge around the question dumbass. And as for me ending up dead, you think I care? As long as he helps me kill the people responsible for crossing me, he can fuck my dead body for all I care.

    4. You want to know why I care? Maybe because I feel bad for a person
      who is being manipulated through their grief; maybe because I don't want you assisting that psychopath in anything, because nothing good can come of whatever the fuck he's planning; maybe because while I'm stuck over here, I want to try and help prevent any more deaths from happening; maybe I just enjoy pointing out how stupid you are; or maybe it's a combination of all of those.

    5. Gonna chime in here and point out that I am not manipulating anyone, we are working together due to an agreed upon agreement and currently, I am actively working to help him find the people responsible for his grievance.

      If I was manipulating him, I wouldn't be wasting my time helping him, simply because I'd be able to make him do things for me, without the need of returning the favour.

      But do carry on your arguing, it is very entertaining and enlightening to observe.

    6. Of course you'd deny your manipulative tactic, sorry Kelevra, I won't fall for your bullshit, unlike Malik, I've read "Art of War".

      On a different note, eat a dick.
