Sunday, 17 August 2014

Malik is being taken seriously for once.

Today, as Malik calls them, 'The Higher Ups" contacted me, because they wanted to talk to Malik in person. They were very pleased with his ability to keep a cool head in the middle of a shit storm, not to mention, coming up with a plan, which saved a big amount of lives. I guess they called him in, in order to discuss his "promotion".

Can't say I'm happy for him, since, this is the kind of work, where you don't want to be promoted, oh well.

The reason for our prolonged silence, is because we've all been busy mending the wounded.

Alesana asked me to update the blog, so yeah.

1 comment:

  1. A promotion? I'm fuckin impressed brudda. Usually promotion grounds are tighter than a gnat's arse. They must be desperate, to take in a bloke who has a bloody Shakespeare reference as his URL... fuckin bookworm.

    I'm even moor impresed he hasn't come to shout at me on my blog yet about the Wu-Tang clan reference.
