Thursday, 21 August 2014


After the TimberWolf invasion, it got really quiet, we don't get a lot of assignments right now, Claude and Malik have been relaxing for two weeks now, that's a rare occasion. I guess everybody is busy with cleaning up the mess the TimberWolves had made. I really don't understand why all of a sudden the TimberWolves would betray and attack us? Well, I guess, too bad for them, don't think they're going to be getting any support from Proxies, from now on.

Went to a funeral today, a proxy family was killed due to the TimberWolf attack. To my knowledge, they weren't that active assignment wise, they were like me, stayed behind and mended the wounded. They were really friendly, they would ask me to babysit their daughter whenever they would leave the house. We would always play hide and seek, she was really good at hiding, I always had a hard time finding her. It's horrible to realize that a girl full of so much life, was stripped of it, in a second. I'll miss them.

But lets move away from that subject.

Using this opportunity, I decided to take Malik, Claude and Franky out for "a night on the town". It's been a while since we went outdoors, all together, purely to have fun. Asked Claude to get Malik, he of course, refused to go anywhere, but I managed to convince him and while at first he was all grumpy, he seemed to become more active once we started bowling.

Being with Franky in public is hard, we weren't allowed inside the building until he took off his mask, but Claude managed to get us through. Now, I never played bowling in my life, so I wasn't quite sure on how to do it, however, I didn't ask for help, since I wanted to learn on my own. Malik and Claude were being competitive as always and both of them bowled pretty well, surprisingly for me, Franky was really good at bowling.

Somehow Franky noticed that I was having trouble keeping up with the score, so he came over to me and taught me on how to bowl properly (Without saying a word, of course). After his lessons, I managed to catch up with the score. In the end, Claude won, with Malik coming in second, Franky coming in third and me coming in fourth. Of course, Malik started freaking out, just like he always does when he loses to Claude, which is quite funny and adorable. But as a result of that short tantrum, we got kicked out.

It was a time well spent, I hope we get to do more of that sort of stuff in the future, although, somehow, I doubt it.


  1. My friend Actors only takes me for a night out when he's playing a character who likes to take nights out. It's hard to remember his chosen name and persona when you've drank too much though. Sanna always used to come out with me to Chester back before all this shit, but the last conversation we ever had, bitch turned me down. If she'd come with me, no one would have killed or taken her.

    1. or possibly they would've killed you and carried on with what they were doing.

    2. Some random asshole, kill me?

      Go get that cake out from the rain.

    3. people get killed by random assholes all the time. You may usually be the random asshole doing the killing, but everyone runs out of luck sooner or later

    4. I have absolutely no idea what that's meant to mean.

  2. Replies
    1. You know what looks worse than losing? Losing and then sayin you let them win, rather than thinking on improving if it really matters that much. Maybe you shoulda swallowed ur pride and let Franky teach you. Alesana did. Cuz as Run and DMC rapped in It's Like That, "One thing I know is that life is short / So listen up, homeboy, give this a thought: / The next time someone's teaching, why don't you get taught? / It's like that, and that's the way it is".

    2. You love reading your own comments, don't you?

    3. Is that the Internet verzh of "You love the sound of your own voice"? I'm drunk. The entertainment will only come when I see them tomorrow and find out what the fuck I've said.

      Yeah mate, when compared to your bullshit, my comments are bloody literary gold. Cheers for helping me bang out some Dostoevsky style shit on this keyboard.

      Also cuz I hate you. You make the same fuckin mistakes I used to.

    4. Oh, this is just precious, this bitch here is not even in his 50's and he's already giving me "Kid, trust me, I know better, I did the same shit." bullshit, fucking hilarious.

      Nah man, Dostoevsky is a genius. You? First of, you don't even come near his literary level. Second, if you think your rhymes are even near the word "good" you are greatly mistaken.

      But lets get back to the point where you said that you now better. Oh sure, a drunk teen, with God complex issues, definitely knows better.

      Get a life, man.

    5. Way to miss the point entirely!

      Firstly, I said my comments are Dostoyevsky when compared with urs. Second, Dostoyevsky is not a rapper. How fuckin stupid are you??? Attend school, man.

  3. It's good that you were able to have some fun together. You should definitely go for it again if you can. Stuff like that is important; it gives you something to hold on to.
